Thrace from the mythical years to late antiquity
Nikolitsa Kokotaki
© Foundation of Thracian Art and Tradition |
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?In Thrace, Herodotus says, lived the second-largest nation on earth after the Indians. Its geographical location on the sea and land routes that united Greek lands with Anatolia, the Aegean and the Black Sea, Asia with Europe, played a decisive role in its long history.?
The archaeologist Ms Nikolitsa Kokotaki presented a journey through the history of Thrace, from the mythical years to late antiquity.
Using audio-visual material, Ms Kokotaki provided an informative picture of the archaeological excavations that have been conducted and still continue at Abdera, Maroneia and Mesembria, with reference to the culture that developed and events that marked the history of our region.
Of particular interest was her presentation of the buildings at Avantas near Alexandroupoli, with valuable information on the housing of the ancient Thracians and the general finds of the excavations, noting that they still have a long way to go, considering that they began in the 1960s.
After the lecture, which was co-organised by the Foundation of Thracian Art and Tradition and the Cultural and Educational Technology Institute, IPET/ATHENA, there followed a very fruitful and constructive discussion with the audience, which helped to resolve queries and answer questions.