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Culture Religion Monuments Armenian East Macedonia and Thrace Prefecture of Xanthi Xanthi

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Armenian Temple Of Panagia ,Xanthi

Georgios Tsigaras
Source: C.E.T.I./R.C. Athena
© Region of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace
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LOCATION:The temple is in Hatzistavrou street.

THE TEMPLE:The first armenian temple was temporarily housed in Brokoumi street(1922) in a tobacco warehouse given by an armenian merchant Takvor Takvorian.After a fund raise taking place ,the armenians bought the building ground and the temple was constructed in 1926 with the financial support of the dentist from Adrianoupolis, Chaoutioun Pasmatzian.Charoutoun Pazmatian ordered portable icons to decorate the temple.

The temple is consisted of a rectangular room in which there is the bema with an ellipsoid concha and the Nave.There are two small rectangular rooms on the edgings of the eastern side of the big room wich commune with the arch of the bema and eases its functional needs.

The bell tower is on the South-East wing of the church.The bell was carried from Tsegiler to Xanthi by armenia refugees.

The icons of the bema (Virgin Mary carrying baby Jesus,Saint Jacob)and the icons on the wall which are very ineresting were made by armenian artists.

Other heirlooms reported are the Blessing Cross ,the ριπίδια which have repoussed designs of Timios Prodromos and six-winged angels as well as two Gospels(1796) published in armenian printery in Kostantinoupolis.