Thrace through time
Despina Tsiafaki
© Foundation of Thracian Art and Tradition |
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Within a brief but substantial and informative presentation, Dr. Tsiafaki, with the assistance of audio-visual material, discussed the history of Thrace and the Thracian tribes from the dawn of myth and prehistory until the first contacts with Greek civilization. The journey through the history of Thrace continued with an extensive account of the life, habits, customs, religion and culture of the inhabitants during the classical and Hellenistic periods, through the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman empires, ending in the early 20th century and union with Greece. It was a journey through time, through the myths, history, archaeology and space of Thrace, the splendid geographical location and plentiful resources of which have attracted both Greeks and foreigners. A fruitful discussion with the audience followed, helping to resolve many of their queries.