Ipapanti Of Christ temple in Genissea,Xanthi
Georgios Tsigaras
Source: C.E.T.I./R.C. Athena
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THE MONUMENT:The temple is divided with colonnades into three aisles.It was built ,according to the owner's sign,on the 15th of March in 1835.The loft is Π-shaped and is like a balcony.The three floor castellated steeple is located on the northwest corner of the courtyard and was probably built in the early 20th century.On the bema there is a marble inscribed plate of the lord's table.
The big icon of Ipapanti of Christ (1836), which is on the icon-stand of the middle aisle, is an oblation of the συναφίων of Genisea.
On the simple wooden temple of the temple there are remarkable 19th century icons.They are artistically interesting (related to Mount Athos) and historically because their inscriptions are conjectural evidence of the trading relations of Genisea with Adrianoupolis and the presence of people from Ipiros.The small icon of the Three Hierarchs which is in the Bema and is dated in the second half of the 17th century is very interesting .
The temple is simple and wooden.The doors of the bema (βημόθυρα) have written and sculpted decoration.On the doors there are snake heads from where grape grafts are coming out.The solid part comprised of two διάχωρα. Στο επάνω διάχωρο τοποθετούνται σε εικονίδια που εγγεγραμμένα σε πλαίσια που στηρίζονται σε πολυέλικτο βλαστό και επιστέφονται από ανθοδοχείο,on the left there is Archangel Gabril and on the right Virgin Mary from the icon of Evangelism.
Artistically interesting are the silver implements of the temple,the chalice and a cross of the altar (1877).