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Stress Movement

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When a noun or a verb is stressed on the 3rd syllable from the end (called ultra penultimate) and is followed by the words "μου, σου, του, της, μας, σας, τους", then an additional stress is put at the last syllable. In the following examples, the numbers 3, 2 and 1 correspond to the 3rd, 2nd and 1st syllable from the end respectively:

3 2
3 2
  ο     άν    θρωπ    ος
ο     άν    θρωπ    ός    μου
  το εισι  τή       ρι       ο
το εισι  τή       ρι       ό       του
3 2
3 2
  διά       βα        σε
διά       βα        σέ   μας
  αγό        ρα     σε
αγό        ρα     σέ     τους