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Enterprise Policy

Main aims

The main objectives of enterprise policy, which result from the Commission's Report presented to the Madrid European Council of 1995 and which are specified in terms of concrete actions in the 1996 Integrated Programme and the Third Multiannual Programme for SMEs in the European Union (1997-2000), are as follows:

  • simplify and improve the administrative and regulatory business environment, in particular by the following actions:
  1. ensure consideration of the interests of SMEs in the various Community initiatives and policies,
  2. simplify and improve Community legislation,
  3. increase transparency and spread of best practices on simplifying and improving the administrative and regulatory environment,
  4. improve the framework for transnational operations of SMEs.
  • Improve the financial environment for enterprises, particularly in the following respects:
  1. improve access to loan financing,
  2. intensify efforts to reduce late payment problems,
  3. facilitate the development of specific financial instruments,
  4. stimulate the development of capital markets for fast-growing SMEs.
  • Help enterprises to Europeanise and internationalise their strategies, in particular through better information services, through the following initiatives:
  1. develop information services (Euro-Info-Centres),
  2. improve the promotion of SME policy actions,
  3. promote co-operation through business search networks (BC-NET/BRE),
  4. promote direct contacts through partnership programmes (Europartenariat/Interprise),
  5. develop subcontracting partnerships;
  6. promote access to new markets and internationalisation of SMEs.
  • Enhance SME competitiveness and improve access to research, innovation and training, with a particular focus on the following aspects:
  1. increase the innovative potential of SMEs,
  2. stimulate management training,
  3. adaptation to environmental requirements.
  • Promote entrepreneurship and support special target groups, with particular emphasis on the following aims/groups:
  1. business culture and entrepreneurship,
  2. craft and small enterprises,
  3. enterprises in commerce and distributive trades,
  4. women and young entrepreneurs and enterprises owned by minorities.