ILSP Thrace Branch Homepage

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   Nick HatzigeorgiuNikos SidiropoulosGeorge Tsoulouxas
Stamatia ChatzisavvaChristina Flouda


Filoglossia+ / Learning Greek as a foreign language

European Integration

Bilingual Lexicon

Byzantine Art (in Greek only)

Logotopos (in Greek only)


This staff of the Thrace Branch of the Institute for Language and Speech Processing:

Nick Hatzigeorgiu
Nikos Sidiropoulos
Giorgos Tsoulouhas
Stamatia Chatsisavva
Christina Flouda





Hellenic National Corpus (in Greek only)

Εκπαιδευτικός Θησαυρός Ελληνικών Κειμένων

Electronic thesaurus of Thrace (in Greek only)

Πλατφόρμα Ανάπτυξης Δικτυακής Πύλης