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Filoglossia+ / Learning Greek as a foreign language

European Integration

Bilingual Lexicon

Byzantine Art (in Greek only)

Logotopos (in Greek only)


The website "Filoglossia, Learning Greek as a Foreign Language" has been redesigned.

It now contains ten chapters which are a sample based on the material of the CD-ROM series φιλογλωσσία+ (filoglossia+), a multimedia program for learning Greek as a foreign language, addressed to beginners.

The initial creation phase of the bilingual dictionaries (Greek-Arabic, Greek-Russian, Greek-Turkish) is completed. You can visit them at the website:





Hellenic National Corpus (in Greek only)

Εκπαιδευτικός Θησαυρός Ελληνικών Κειμένων

Electronic thesaurus of Thrace (in Greek only)

Πλατφόρμα Ανάπτυξης Δικτυακής Πύλης