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Filoglossia+ / Learning Greek as a foreign language

European Integration

Bilingual Lexicon

Byzantine Art (in Greek only)

Logotopos (in Greek only)


Electronic Thesaurus of Thrace

The Electronic thesaurus of Thrace is a database containing over 7000 pages of texts (History, Environment, Tourism) and 1200 pictures of Thrace. The Thrace Branch of ILSP designed and developed the database, processed the texts and the images and developed a web interface for the database.

Project has ended in: 1999


Web pages for the Electronic Thesaurus of Thrace:

Web interface for the database. (in Greek only)
More information on the project. (in Greek only)
A detailed presentation on the project.(in Greek only)



Hellenic National Corpus (in Greek only)

Εκπαιδευτικός Θησαυρός Ελληνικών Κειμένων

Electronic thesaurus of Thrace (in Greek only)

Πλατφόρμα Ανάπτυξης Δικτυακής Πύλης