Ελληνικά   English   Francais


From the 3.700.000 card archive of ILNE a very small part has been scanned and documented. The selection of the cards to be scanned was based on the lemma. In the beginning, tens of lemmas were selected which:
a) depict various aspects of life, objects and activities related to particular expressions of the folk culture that tend to be forgotten and b) satisfy linguistic criteria, such as the representation of all parts of speech, the differentiation of forms and meanings from those of the standard Modern Greek, the accentuation of the continuity, the modifications and the richness of the Greek language.

The selection of lemmas was followed by the selection of cards. From the volume of the cards belonging to each lemma some representative cards were selected. Their selection was based on parameters such as the richness and the variety of the place of origin, the forms, the meanings and the examples included in the cards. From the digitized material, a sample of the images of the cards is provided below for the following lemmas:
Picture of 'ἀδράχτι, τό (spindle)'  Picture of 'ἀδράχτι, τό (spindle)'
ἀδράχτι, τό (spindle)
Picture of 'ἀλέτρι, τό (plough)'
ἀλέτρι, τό (plough)
Picture of 'ἁλωνίζω (thresh)'
ἁλωνίζω (thresh)
Picture of 'ἀργαλειός, ὁ (loom)'
ἀργαλειός, ὁ (loom)
Picture of 'γιαγιά, ἡ (grandmother)'
γιαγιά, ἡ (grandmother)
Picture of 'γκλίτσα, ἡ (shepherd's crook)'
γκλίτσα, ἡ (shepherd's crook)
Picture of 'γνέθω (spin, play the distaff)'
γνέθω (spin, play the distaff)
Picture of 'δειλινίζω (dine, have supper)'
δειλινίζω (dine, have supper)
Picture of 'δεφτέρι, τό (notebook, notepad)'  Picture of 'δεφτέρι, τό (notebook, notepad)'
δεφτέρι, τό (notebook, notepad)
δικός (my, mine)
Picture of 'δίχτυ, τό (net)'
δίχτυ, τό (net)
δίχως (without)
Picture of 'δυόσμος, ὁ (mint)'  Picture of 'δυόσμος, ὁ (mint)'  Picture of 'δυόσμος, ὁ (mint)'
δυόσμος, ὁ (mint)
κάθομαι (sit)
καμένος (burnt)καράβι (ship)
κεραμιδαρειό (place where roof tiles are made)Picture of 'κλαρί, τό (branch, stick)'
κλαρί, τό (branch, stick)
Picture of 'κόκορας, ὁ (cock, rooster)'
κόκορας, ὁ (cock, rooster)
Picture of 'κουδούνα, ἡ (cow bell, sheep bell)'
κουδούνα, ἡ (cow bell, sheep bell)
κουλούρι (small ring-shaped biscuit or bread)Picture of 'κουρούνα, ἡ (carrion crow)'  Picture of 'κουρούνα, ἡ (carrion crow)'
κουρούνα, ἡ (carrion crow)
Picture of 'κρησάρα, ἡ (sieve)'
κρησάρα, ἡ (sieve)
Picture of 'κριάρι, τό (ram)'
κριάρι, τό (ram)
Picture of 'κριθάρι, τό (barley)'  Picture of 'κριθάρι, τό (barley)'
κριθάρι, τό (barley)
λαδώνω (oil)
λίγος (little, few)Picture of 'λιχνίζω (winnow)'
λιχνίζω (winnow)
Picture of 'μάραθο, τό (fennel)'  Picture of 'μάραθο, τό (fennel)'
μάραθο, τό (fennel)
Picture of 'μαρίδα, ἡ (whitebait)'  Picture of 'μαρίδα, ἡ (whitebait)'
μαρίδα, ἡ (whitebait)
μεγάλος (big, large, great)μκρός (small, little, young)
μόλις (just)ὄμορφος (handsome, good-looking)
ὄνειρο, τό (dream)Picture of 'ὀργώνω (plough)'
ὀργώνω (plough)
παχύς (thick, fat)Picture of 'πεζούλα, ἡ (stone wall)'  Picture of 'πεζούλα, ἡ (stone wall)'  Picture of 'πεζούλα, ἡ (stone wall)'
πεζούλα, ἡ (stone wall)
πεινῶ (be hungry or be starving)Picture of 'πετεινός, ὁ (cock/rooster)'
πετεινός, ὁ (cock/rooster)
Picture of 'πινάκι, τό (wooden utensil)'  Picture of 'πινάκι, τό (wooden utensil)'
πινάκι, τό (wooden utensil)
Picture of 'ρεβίθι, τό (chick pea)'  Picture of 'ρεβίθι, τό (chick pea)'
ρεβίθι, τό (chick pea)
Picture of 'σαμάρι, τό (pack saddle)'
σαμάρι, τό (pack saddle)
σέρνω (drag)
σκέφτομαι (think)Picture of 'σφουγγάρι, τό (sponge)'
σφουγγάρι, τό (sponge)
Picture of 'τσαμπουνίζω (talking nonsense, prate)'
τσαμπουνίζω (talking nonsense, prate)
Picture of 'ὑνί, τό (ploughshare)'
ὑνί, τό (ploughshare)
Picture of 'ὑφαίνω (weave)'
ὑφαίνω (weave)
Picture of 'φοράδα, ἡ (female horse, mare)'  Picture of 'φοράδα, ἡ (female horse, mare)'
φοράδα, ἡ (female horse, mare)
Picture of 'φόρτωμα, τό (load)'  Picture of 'φόρτωμα, τό (load)'
φόρτωμα, τό (load)
Picture of 'φοῦρνος,  ὁ (oven, kiln, bakery)'
φοῦρνος, ὁ (oven, kiln, bakery)
Picture of 'φτερωτός (feathery)'  Picture of 'φτερωτός (feathery)'
φτερωτός (feathery)
Picture of 'χάλκωμα, τό (copperware, copper utensil)'
χάλκωμα, τό (copperware, copper utensil)
χρυσός (gold)χτές (yesterday)
Picture of 'ψαρεύω (fish)'
ψαρεύω (fish)
ὤχ (ouch!)

Note: The images of the cards are accompanied by a documentation file with a table, in which various information about every card is registered and coded: the lemma and its phonetic realisation, the form and its phonetic realisation, the source, the places of origin, semantic and etymological information as well as examples of use.