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The project “Monuments of Modern Greek language” aims at:

  1. the digital conservation of a part of the archives of ILNE,
  2. the exploitation of all the archives by means of a special electronic application for the entry, correction, search and printing of the material and
  3. the dissemination of this Greek language thesaurus via the potentials offered by New Technologies.

In particular, this project will ensure the technological equipment required to enable the digitization and documentation of part of the material contained in the files.

The primary goal is the rational and scientific exploitation of the current and future digitised material by organizing it in databases and deploying the appropriate techniques for information filing, management and retrieval. Thus, the material will be used by ILNE but could also be deployed for broader scientific, research and educational purposes.

Moreover, a multilingual educational platform will be developed regarding the local idioms and dialects as well as a thematic web node, which will include selected material from the digitised files of ILNE. These applications will be unique, since there are no similar endeavours for the projection of the dialectal thesaurus of the Greek language. Through the aforementioned applications the dialectal material will become accessible to the whole educational community, particularly to the elementary and secondary education, as well as to the public.